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In this section you'll learn how to get started with thetadata and make simple requests.


  • Install Python 3.
  • Install Java 11 or later. If you are using Windows, this will automatically be done for you. THIS IS REQUIRED TO USE THE API.
  • Using pip, Python's package manager, open a terminal and run pip install thetadata or python -m pip install thetadata

Free data

End of day stock data

With the API installed, you can now import thetadata in any Python script you'd like!

Here's how you may make your first free stock data request:

import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from thetadata import ThetaClient, DateRange, StockReqType

def end_of_day() -> pd.DataFrame:
    client = ThetaClient()  # No credentials required for free access

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        out = client.get_hist_stock(
            req=StockReqType.EOD,  # End of day data
            date_range=DateRange(date(2022, 11, 14), date(2022, 11, 18))
    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = end_of_day()
> python                                                                                                                                                                         1  
   DataType.OPEN  DataType.HIGH  DataType.LOW  DataType.CLOSE  DataType.VOLUME  DataType.COUNT DataType.DATE
0         149.30       166.6500      135.3900         148.770         80889202          576303    2022-11-14
1         149.51       153.5900      140.9150         149.700         96309849          703679    2022-11-15
2         150.25       155.0800      138.9800         148.980         71463364          472255    2022-11-16
3         149.08       159.0588      140.2858         150.865         86759251          563732    2022-11-17
4         151.00       153.3400      134.8700         150.880         84146100          514111    2022-11-18

What am I looking at?

End of day option data

Here's how you may make your first free option data request:

import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionReqType, OptionRight, DateRange

def end_of_day() -> pd.DataFrame:
    client = ThetaClient()  # No credentials required for free access

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        # Make the request
        out = client.get_hist_option(
            req=OptionReqType.EOD,  # End of day data
            exp=date(2022, 12, 16),
            date_range=DateRange(date(2022, 11, 14), date(2022, 11, 18))
    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = end_of_day()
> python                                                                                                                                                                         1  
   DataType.OPEN  DataType.HIGH  DataType.LOW  DataType.CLOSE  DataType.VOLUME  DataType.COUNT DataType.DATE
0           5.50           6.15          4.75            5.10             8454            1155    2022-11-14
1           6.40           8.10          5.45            5.95            14153            1476    2022-11-15
2           5.42           5.84          4.55            5.15            10848             957    2022-11-16
3           4.10           6.57          3.05            6.00             5820            1083    2022-11-17
4           6.95           6.95          5.57            6.11             5553             951    2022-11-18

What am I looking at?

List roots

A root can be defined as a unique identified for a stock / underlying asset. Common terms also include: stock symbol, ticker, and underlying.

Stock roots

This request returns a series of all roots (stock symbols) that are available.

import pandas as pd
from thetadata import ThetaClient, SecType

def get_roots() -> pd.Series:
    client = ThetaClient()  # No credentials required for free access

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        out = client.get_roots(sec=SecType.STOCK)

    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    roots = get_roots()
> python
0         AAAP
1         AABA
2          AAC
3         AACC
4         AACG
9711    ZXYZ.A
9712     ZXZZT
9713        ZY
9714      ZYNE
9715      ZYXI
Length: 9716, dtype: object

Roots with options

This request returns a series of all roots (stock symbols) that have traded options.

import pandas as pd
from thetadata import ThetaClient, SecType

def get_roots() -> pd.Series:
    client = ThetaClient()  # No credentials required for free access

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        out = client.get_roots(sec=SecType.OPTION)

    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    roots = get_roots()
> python
0           A
1          AA
2        AADI
3        AAIC
4         AAL
6240     ZYXI
6241    ZYXI1
6242      ZZK
6243      ZZZ
6244     ZZZ1
Length: 6245, dtype: object

Unlike historical data requests, get_roots returns a Series. In the pandas package, a Series is a one-dimensional array, similar to a Python list.

Understanding the output

The return type of any historical data request is a DataFrame, a core datatype in the pandas package. To understand what the DataType labels in the DataFrame mean, please refer to our request types page.

pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language.

The official pandas user guide covers significantly more material than this tutorial. However, a key takeaway is that pandas operates on two data structures:

  1. Series
  2. DataFrame

A Series is a one-dimensional array, similar to a Python list. A DataFrame is a two-dimensional data structure with rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet.

Manipulating a DataFrame

The above example returned a DataFrame. Let's see how we can use it to process our data.

import pandas as pd
from thetadata import DataType
from .stocks.eod import end_of_day

def main():
    # get the data from the previous EOD stock data example
    data: pd.DataFrame = end_of_day()

    # print all datatypes in the response

    # get the first row in the DataFrame (our requested data)
    row = data.iloc[0]

    # print just the open price
    open_price = row[DataType.OPEN]

if __name__ == "__main__":
> python
Index([  DataType.OPEN,   DataType.HIGH,    DataType.LOW,  DataType.CLOSE,
   DataType.VOLUME,  DataType.COUNT,   DataType.DATE],

As you can see, the response contains 7 fields (DataFrame columns), and the close price of the first row of this data (which represents July 18, 2022) is $13.10.

Congratulations, you've processed your first request!

Manipulating a Series

The above stock root list example returned a Series. Let's see how we can use it to process our data.

import pandas as pd
from .stocks.list_roots import get_roots

def main():
    # get the result from the previous example
    roots: pd.Series = get_roots()

    # Check if a symbol is in the Series
    contains_apple = "AAPL" in roots.values

    # Count symbols
    count = len(roots)

    # Filter symbols to those that start with A
    filtered = [s for s in roots if s.startswith("A")]
    for symbol in filtered:
        # do something


if __name__ == "__main__":
> python


A snapshot is the last quote / trade we have on record. Snapshots are best used when executing a trade. This allows you to determine the most recent price.

15-minute delayed stock snapshots

Currently, all of our equities data is 15 minutes delayed. We have plans to upgrade to real-time equities feeds in the future. Below is an example of a stock snapshot:

import pandas as pd
from thetadata import ThetaClient, StockReqType

def get_last() -> pd.DataFrame:
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        # Request the most recent quote for AAPL stock.
        out = client.get_last_stock(
    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    quote = get_last()
> python
   DataType.MS_OF_DAY  DataType.BID_SIZE  DataType.BID_CONDITION  DataType.BID  DataType.BID_EXCHANGE  DataType.ASK_SIZE  DataType.ASK_CONDITION  DataType.ASK  DataType.ASK_EXCHANGE DataType.DATE
0            61514177                  2                       7        134.37                      0                  3                       7        134.42                      0    2022-12-16

Real-time option snapshots

Let's try a low-latency snapshot request for the most recent option quote available:

import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionReqType, OptionRight

def get_last() -> pd.DataFrame:
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        # Request the most recent quote for an AAPL $130.00 CALL options expiring on 2022-12-30.
        out = client.get_last_option(
            exp=date(2022, 12, 30),
    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    quote = get_last()
> python
   DataType.MS_OF_DAY  DataType.BID_SIZE  DataType.BID_CONDITION  DataType.BID  DataType.BID_EXCHANGE  DataType.ASK_SIZE  DataType.ASK_CONDITION  DataType.ASK  DataType.ASK_EXCHANGE DataType.DATE
0            57599990                  1                       1          6.05                     50                 63                      46          6.55                     50    2022-12-16




Streaming is defined as receiving continuous market data updates throughout the trading day. It is much more performant when compared to snapshots.


You must implement a callback method as shown in the first example below. Each time a StreamMsg is received, this method will get called. A StreamMsg has a StreamMsgType, which can be used to determine the purpose of the message.


The Pro tier has the ability to request a trade stream for every option contract in existence and is able to request up to 20K quote streams. The Standard tier can request 10K quote streams and 20K trade streams. Other tiers do not have access to streaming at this time.

Option Quotes

Below requests to receive continuous updates for quote for an AAPL option contract. Notice that these options are probably expired, so you may need to change the expiration date.

from datetime import date

from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionRight, StreamMsg, StreamMsgType, StreamResponseType

def streaming():
    # Credentials now required because streaming is only available to ThetaData Standard & Pro subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    client.connect_stream(callback)  # You can stop streaming by calling client.close_stream
    # This contract is likely expired! Replace it with a contract that isn't expired
    req_id = client.req_quote_stream_opt("AAPL", date(2023, 7, 21), 170, OptionRight.CALL)

    # Verify that the request to stream was successful.
    response = client.verify(req_id)
    if response == StreamResponseType.SUBSCRIBED:
        print('The request to stream option quotes was successful.')
    elif response == StreamResponseType.INVALID_PERMS:
        print('Invalid permissions to stream option quotes. Theta Data Options Standard or Pro account required.')
    elif response == StreamResponseType.MAX_STREAMS_REACHED:
        print('You have reached your limit for the amount of option contracts you can stream quotes for.')
        print('Unexpected stream response: ' + str(response))

# User generated method that gets called each time a message from the stream arrives.
def callback(msg: StreamMsg):
    msg.type = msg.type

    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.QUOTE:
        print('con:    ' + msg.contract.to_string())
        print('quote:  ' + msg.quote.to_string())

if __name__ == "__main__":
> python
con:    root: AAPL isOption: True exp: 2023-07-21 strike: 170.0 isCall: True
quote:  ms_of_day: 57061764 bid_size: 202 bid_exchange: EDGX bid_price: 6.35 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 742 ask_exchange: C2OX ask_price: 6.45 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2023-04-21
con:    root: AAPL isOption: True exp: 2023-07-21 strike: 170.0 isCall: True
quote:  ms_of_day: 57061816 bid_size: 202 bid_exchange: EDGX bid_price: 6.35 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 742 ask_exchange: C2OX ask_price: 6.45 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2023-04-21
con:    root: AAPL isOption: True exp: 2023-07-21 strike: 170.0 isCall: True
quote:  ms_of_day: 57061974 bid_size: 202 bid_exchange: EDGX bid_price: 6.35 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 742 ask_exchange: C2OX ask_price: 6.45 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2023-04-21
con:    root: AAPL isOption: True exp: 2023-07-21 strike: 170.0 isCall: True
quote:  ms_of_day: 57061974 bid_size: 254 bid_exchange: C2OX bid_price: 6.35 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 742 ask_exchange: C2OX ask_price: 6.45 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2023-04-21
con:    root: AAPL isOption: True exp: 2023-07-21 strike: 170.0 isCall: True
quote:  ms_of_day: 57062025 bid_size: 322 bid_exchange: C2OX bid_price: 6.35 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 742 ask_exchange: C2OX ask_price: 6.45 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2023-04-21

Option Trades

Below requests to receive continuous updates for trades for a NVDA option contract. Notice that these options are probably expired, so you may need to change the expiration date.

from datetime import date

from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionRight, StreamMsg, StreamMsgType, StreamResponseType

def streaming():
    # Credentials now required because streaming is only available to ThetaData Standard & Pro subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    client.connect_stream(callback)  # You can stop streaming by calling client.close_stream
    # This contract is likely expired! Replace it with a contract that isn't expired
    req_id = client.req_trade_stream_opt("NVDA", date(2023, 1, 13), 150, OptionRight.CALL)

    # Verify that the request to stream was successful.
    response = client.verify(req_id)
    if response == StreamResponseType.SUBSCRIBED:
        print('The request to stream option trades was successful.')
    elif response == StreamResponseType.INVALID_PERMS:
        print('Invalid permissions to stream option trades. Theta Data Options Standard or Pro account required.')
    elif response == StreamResponseType.MAX_STREAMS_REACHED:
        print('You have reached your limit for the amount of option contracts you can stream trades for.')
        print('Unexpected stream response: ' + str(response))

# User generated method that gets called each time a message from the stream arrives.
def callback(msg: StreamMsg):
    msg.type = msg.type

    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.TRADE:
        print('con:                         ' + msg.contract.to_string())
        print('trade:                       ' +
        print('last quote at time of trade: ' + msg.quote.to_string())

if __name__ == "__main__":
> python
con:                         root: MSFT isOption: True exp: 2023-06-16 strike: 185.0 isCall: False
trade:                       ms_of_day: 54448612 sequence: 3464894509 size: 2 condition: AUTO_EXECUTION price: 4.95 exchange:  date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 54448612 bid_size: 2 bid_exchange:  bid_price: 4.95 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 27 ask_exchange: XBOS ask_price: 5.05 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27
con:                         root: MSFT isOption: True exp: 2023-06-16 strike: 185.0 isCall: False
trade:                       ms_of_day: 54448614 sequence: 3464894620 size: 2 condition: INTERMARKET_SWEEP price: 4.95 exchange:  date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 54448613 bid_size: 1178 bid_exchange:  bid_price: 4.95 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 27 ask_exchange: XBOS ask_price: 5.05 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27
con:                         root: UUP isOption: True exp: 2023-01-27 strike: 28.5 isCall: True
trade:                       ms_of_day: 46725445 sequence: 1876543798 size: 55 condition: AUTO_EXECUTION price: 0.23 exchange:  date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 46725445 bid_size: 1 bid_exchange: XNMS bid_price: 0.23 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 55 ask_exchange:  ask_price: 0.23 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27
con:                         root: UNM isOption: True exp: 2023-03-17 strike: 42.5 isCall: True
trade:                       ms_of_day: 46725454 sequence: 1876544125 size: 1 condition: AUTO_EXECUTION price: 1.95 exchange: XNMS date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 46725454 bid_size: 33 bid_exchange: XBOS bid_price: 1.85 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 2 ask_exchange: XMIO ask_price: 2.0 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27

Every Option Trade

Below requests to receive continuous updates for every option trade. This method is only available to PRO subscribers.

from thetadata import ThetaClient, StreamMsg, StreamMsgType, StreamResponseType

def streaming():
    # Credentials now required because streaming is only available to ThetaData Standard & Pro subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    client.connect_stream(callback)  # You can stop streaming by calling client.close_stream
    req_id = client.req_full_trade_stream_opt()  # Requests every option trade (async).

    # Verify that the request to stream was successful.
    response = client.verify(req_id)
    if response == StreamResponseType.SUBSCRIBED:
        print('Request to stream full trades successful.')
    elif response == StreamResponseType.INVALID_PERMS:
        print('Invalid permissions to stream full trades. Theta Data Options Pro account required.')
        print('Unexpected stream response: ' + str(response))

# User generated method that gets called each time a message from the stream arrives.
def callback(msg: StreamMsg):
    msg.type = msg.type

    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.TRADE:
        print('con:                         ' + msg.contract.to_string())
        print('trade:                       ' +
        print('last quote at time of trade: ' + msg.quote.to_string())

if __name__ == "__main__":
> python
con:                         root: SPY isOption: True exp: 2023-01-03 strike: 387.0 isCall: True
trade:                       ms_of_day: 45506758 sequence: 2502262221 size: 23 condition: AUTO_EXECUTION price: 1.56 exchange: BATS date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 45506758 bid_size: 159 bid_exchange: C2OX bid_price: 1.55 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 422 ask_exchange: MCRY ask_price: 1.57 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27
con:                         root: NEE isOption: True exp: 2023-03-17 strike: 82.5 isCall: False
trade:                       ms_of_day: 52558559 sequence: 3375727498 size: 1 condition: AUTO_EXECUTION price: 3.5 exchange: XCBO date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 52558559 bid_size: 1266 bid_exchange: XPHL bid_price: 3.4 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 270 ask_exchange: XPHL ask_price: 3.6 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27
con:                         root: TSLA isOption: True exp: 2023-01-27 strike: 95.0 isCall: False
trade:                       ms_of_day: 46432515 sequence: 2064836636 size: 1 condition: AUTO_EXECUTION price: 5.15 exchange: ARCX date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 46432515 bid_size: 852 bid_exchange: EDGX bid_price: 5.1 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 1 ask_exchange: ARCX ask_price: 5.15 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27
con:                         root: USO isOption: True exp: 2023-01-06 strike: 80.0 isCall: False
trade:                       ms_of_day: 46432592 sequence: 1863359037 size: 1 condition: SINGLE_LEG_AUCTION_NON_ISO price: 9.8 exchange: XMIO date: 2022-12-27
last quote at time of trade: ms_of_day: 46429598 bid_size: 39 bid_exchange: XBOS bid_price: 9.55 bid_condition: NATIONAL_BBO ask_size: 39 ask_exchange: XBOS ask_price: 10.05 ask_condition: NATIONAL_BBO date: 2022-12-27

Every Open Interest

Below requests to receive continuous updates for every option open interest. This method is only available to PRO subscribers. Open Interest is generally reported at 06:30 ET. It is generally not updated during the trading day.

from thetadata import ThetaClient, StreamMsg, StreamMsgType

def streaming():
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData Standard & Pro subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    client.connect_stream(callback)  # You can stop streaming by calling client.close_stream
    client.req_full_open_interest_stream()  # requests every option open interest update

# User generated method that gets called each time a message from the stream arrives.
def callback(msg: StreamMsg):
    msg.type = msg.type

    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.OPEN_INTEREST:
        print('con:' + msg.contract.to_string() + ' open_interest: ' + msg.open_interest.to_string())

if __name__ == "__main__":
> python
con:root: ZROZ isOption: True exp: 2023-03-17 strike: 98.0 isCall: True open_interest: open_interest: 51 date: 2022-12-23
con:root: XOM isOption: True exp: 2025-01-17 strike: 97.5 isCall: False open_interest: open_interest: 130 date: 2022-12-23
con:root: XOP isOption: True exp: 2025-01-17 strike: 100.0 isCall: True open_interest: open_interest: 79 date: 2022-12-23
con:root: WSO isOption: True exp: 2023-05-19 strike: 370.0 isCall: False open_interest: open_interest: 0 date: 2022-12-23
con:root: XOM isOption: True exp: 2023-03-17 strike: 135.0 isCall: False open_interest: open_interest: 51 date: 2022-12-23
con:root: XOP isOption: True exp: 2025-01-17 strike: 210.0 isCall: True open_interest: open_interest: 15 date: 2022-12-23
con:root: XOP isOption: True exp: 2025-01-17 strike: 160.0 isCall: True open_interest: open_interest: 14 date: 2022-12-23

Cancelling Streams

You can cancel any stream you previously subscribed to by using the remove stream methods.

from datetime import date

from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionRight, StreamMsg, StreamMsgType

def streaming():
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData Standard & Pro subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    client.connect_stream(callback)  # You can stop streaming by calling client.close_stream
    # Subscribes to a stream
    client.req_trade_stream_opt("NVDA", date(2023, 1, 13), 150, OptionRight.CALL)

    # Unsubscribes from the stream
    client.remove_trade_stream_opt("NVDA", date(2023, 1, 13), 150, OptionRight.CALL)

    client.req_full_trade_stream_opt()  # Subscribes to every option trade.

    client.remove_full_trade_stream_opt()  # Unsubscribes from the full option trade stream.

# User generated method that gets called each time a message from the stream arrives.
def callback(msg: StreamMsg):
    msg.type = msg.type

    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.TRADE:
        print('con:                         ' + msg.contract.to_string())
        print('trade:                       ' +
        print('last quote at time of trade: ' + msg.quote.to_string())

if __name__ == "__main__":

Handling a connection lost to server.

If the connection between the API and ThetaData servers is lost, there is a DISCONNECTED callback. Once the reconnection has been reestablished, there is a RECONNECTED callback.

from datetime import date

from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionRight, StreamMsg, StreamMsgType

def streaming():
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData Standard & Pro subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    client.connect_stream(callback)  # You can stop streaming by calling client.close_stream
    client.req_full_trade_stream_opt()  # Subscribes to every option trade.

# User generated method that gets called each time a message from the stream arrives.
def callback(msg: StreamMsg):
    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.DISCONNECTED:
        print('Lost connection to Theta Data servers')
    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.STREAM_DEAD:
        print('Lost connection to Theta Terminal, which is likely due the terminal being forcibly closed')
    if msg.type == StreamMsgType.RECONNECTED:
        print('The terminal has reconnected to Theta Data. You need to resubscribe to all streams.')

if __name__ == "__main__":

Historical NBBO Quotes

This tutorial will provide examples for requesting historical & intraday NBBO(National Best Bid & Offer) quotes.


The interval_size parameter

We provide tick-level data for QUOTE requests. This means that when a request is made, every single quote inside thedate_range provided will be returned. This can end up being millions of quotes per trading day. Specifying theinterval_size parameter aggregates these quotes and provides the NBBO at every interval_size milliseconds.

Be careful!

Not specifying the interval_size will return tick-level data, which can be an obscene amount of data! If you plan to work with tick-level quote data, we recommend limiting your date_range (per-request) to 2 weeks for options and 1 day for stocks to prevent memory overflow errors. If you are using an interval_size >= 60000(1-min), you shouldn't need to do this.

Why are there quotes with no bid or ask?

You'll notice that the first few quotes of the day may have empty bid and or ask and prices. These are test quotes usually sent by exchanges or SIPs. It's safe to ignore them. We maintain a policy of not filtering any data unless the user asks us to, which is why they are included in tick-level requests.

Stock Quotes

Tick-level NBBO quotes

The example below returns every NBBO quote that occurred on 2022-11-18 for AMD stock. As seen in the output, there are over 5.8 million quotes for this day alone, which is why we recommend using a date_range of 1 for these requests.

import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from thetadata import ThetaClient, DateRange, StockReqType

def quote() -> pd.DataFrame:
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        out = client.get_hist_stock(
            date_range=DateRange(date(2022, 11, 18), date(2022, 11, 18)),

    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = quote()
    print(data.to_string(max_rows=8, max_cols=16))
> python docs/stocks/                                                                                                                                                                     
         DataType.MS_OF_DAY  DataType.BID_SIZE  DataType.BID_CONDITION  DataType.BID  DataType.BID_EXCHANGE  DataType.ASK_SIZE  DataType.ASK_CONDITION  DataType.ASK  DataType.ASK_EXCHANGE DataType.DATE
0                  14340012                  0                       0          0.00                      0                  0                       0          0.00                      0    2022-11-18
1                  14340126                  0                       0          0.00                      0                  0                       0          0.00                      0    2022-11-18
2                  14400005                  4                       1         74.11                      0                  0                       0          0.00                      0    2022-11-18
3                  14400005                  4                       1         74.11                      0                  4                       1         74.68                      0    2022-11-18
...                     ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...           ...
5894898            71998825                  8                      65         73.58                      0                  1                       7         73.58                      0    2022-11-18
5894899            71998826                  8                      65         73.58                      0                  6                       7         73.60                      0    2022-11-18
5894900            71998827                  8                      65         73.58                      0                  6                       7         73.60                      0    2022-11-18
5894901            71998831                  8                      65         73.59                      0                  6                       7         73.60                      0    2022-11-18

1-minute intervals NBBO quotes

The only difference from the example above is that we specify the interval_size parameter, which allows us to get the NBBO quote every minute of the trading day. This significantly reduces output and improves latency.

import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from thetadata import ThetaClient, DateRange, StockReqType

def quote() -> pd.DataFrame:
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        out = client.get_hist_stock(
            date_range=DateRange(date(2022, 11, 14), date(2022, 11, 18)),
            interval_size=60_000  # 60_000ms = 1 minute

    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = quote()
    print(data.to_string(max_rows=8, max_cols=16))
> python docs/stocks/                                                                                                                                                                     
      DataType.MS_OF_DAY  DataType.BID_SIZE  DataType.BID_CONDITION  DataType.BID  DataType.BID_EXCHANGE  DataType.ASK_SIZE  DataType.ASK_CONDITION  DataType.ASK  DataType.ASK_EXCHANGE DataType.DATE
0               34200000                  2                      65         75.23                      0                138                       1         75.24                      0    2022-11-14
1               34260000                  1                       1         74.72                      0                  1                       1         74.77                      0    2022-11-14
2               34320000                  1                      65         74.58                      0                  3                       7         74.60                      0    2022-11-14
3               34380000                  2                      17         73.70                      0                  3                       7         73.71                      0    2022-11-14
...                  ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...           ...
1951            57420000                  5                       1         73.50                      0                  6                      63         73.51                      0    2022-11-18
1952            57480000                  5                       3         73.48                      0                 12                       3         73.49                      0    2022-11-18
1953            57540000                  7                       3         73.53                      0                 11                       3         73.54                      0    2022-11-18
1954            57600000                209                       1         73.58                      0                314                       1         73.61                      0    2022-11-18

Historical Option Quotes

Tick-level NBBO quotes

The example below returns every NBBO quote that occurred between 2022-11-14 and 2022-11-18 for the $60 AMD CALL that expires on 2022-12-16. As seen in the output, there are almost 1 million quotes for this week alone, which is why we recommend using a date_range of 2 weeks or fewer for tick-level option requests.

import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionRight, DateRange, OptionReqType

def quote() -> pd.DataFrame:
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        out = client.get_hist_option(
            exp=date(2022, 12, 16),
            date_range=DateRange(date(2022, 11, 14), date(2022, 11, 18)),
    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = quote()
    print(data.to_string(max_rows=8, max_cols=16))
> python docs/stocks/                                                                                                                                                                     
    DataType.MS_OF_DAY  DataType.BID_SIZE  DataType.BID_CONDITION  DataType.BID  DataType.BID_EXCHANGE  DataType.ASK_SIZE  DataType.ASK_CONDITION  DataType.ASK  DataType.ASK_EXCHANGE DataType.DATE
0                 28800107                  0                      65          0.00                     50                  0                      65          0.00                     50    2022-11-14
1                 28801023                  0                       5          0.00                     50                  0                       5          0.00                     50    2022-11-14
2                 28806116                  0                      42          0.00                     50                  0                      42          0.00                     50    2022-11-14
3                 28806324                  0                      60          0.00                     50                  0                      60          0.00                     50    2022-11-14
...                    ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...           ...
979528            57598756               1183                       9         14.15                     50                 65                      11         14.45                     50    2022-11-18
979529            57599253               1132                       9         14.15                     50                 65                      11         14.45                     50    2022-11-18
979530            57599264               1118                       9         14.15                     50                 65                      11         14.45                     50    2022-11-18
979531            57599539               1112                       9         14.15                     50                 65                      11         14.45                     50    2022-11-18

1-minute intervals NBBO quotes

The only difference from the example above is that we specify the interval_size parameter, which allows us to get the NBBO quote every minute of the trading day. This significantly reduces output and improves latency.

import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from thetadata import ThetaClient, OptionRight, DateRange, OptionReqType

def quote() -> pd.DataFrame:
    # Credentials now required because get_last is only available to ThetaData subscribers.
    client = ThetaClient(username="MyThetaDataEmail", passwd="MyThetaDataPassword")

    # Make any requests for data inside this block. Requests made outside this block won't run.
    with client.connect():
        out = client.get_hist_option(
            exp=date(2022, 12, 16),
            date_range=DateRange(date(2022, 11, 14), date(2022, 11, 18)),
            interval_size=60_000  # 60_000ms = 1 minute
    # We are out of the client.connect() block, so we can no longer make requests.
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = quote()
    print(data.to_string(max_rows=8, max_cols=16))
> python docs/options/                                                                                                                                                                        
      DataType.MS_OF_DAY  DataType.BID_SIZE  DataType.BID_CONDITION  DataType.BID  DataType.BID_EXCHANGE  DataType.ASK_SIZE  DataType.ASK_CONDITION  DataType.ASK  DataType.ASK_EXCHANGE DataType.DATE
0               34200000                  0                      47          0.00                     50                  0                      47          0.00                     50    2022-11-14
1               34260000               1081                       9         15.40                     50                188                      65         16.15                     50    2022-11-14
2               34320000                151                       6         15.35                     50                 78                      11         15.85                     50    2022-11-14
3               34380000                 40                      43         14.75                     50                138                      43         15.10                     50    2022-11-14
...                  ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...                ...                     ...           ...                    ...           ...
1946            57360000               2021                       9         14.15                     50                 77                      43         14.35                     50    2022-11-18
1947            57420000               2056                       9         14.15                     50                 39                      47         14.35                     50    2022-11-18
1948            57480000               2123                       9         14.15                     50                 63                      11         14.35                     50    2022-11-18
1949            57540000               1887                       9         14.15                     50                 87                      11         14.40                     50    2022-11-18

What's next?

Nice! You are now familiar the Series and DataFrame objects, the return types of our data requests. Using the skills learned in this tutorial, you're well on your way to mastering the entire thetadata package. Explore other requests at your disposal on the API Reference page!

For more details on the pandas API, please see the official pandas user guide.